Following are some of the Bad Dashas in Kundli
1. Rahu Mahadasha
Rahu Mahadasha is known to last for 18 years. It is a period in which one loses the direction of life and cannot differentiate right from wrong. It is because of this that one gets carried away by different forms of addictions like drugs, gambling, alcohol, etc. and completely gets blinded by the worldly pleasures that one loses the sense of time and religion.
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It has been seen that the native gets highly influenced by negative or fake people and in his ambition to achieve more wealth that one loses a general sense of good and bad. Whenever Rahu is seen to associate with any planet during Mahadasha, it drains all its energy and leaves it completely lifeless. Sudden loss of wealth and injury due to an accident, an increase in chances of deception by close friends, Separation from family members are some of the ill effects of the dasha.
2. Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosha
Mangal dosha or Kuja dosha is the combination in the birth chart or horoscope where Mars (also known as Mangal or Kuja) is placed in the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house in the Ascendant. A person with mangal dosha in his natal chart is called Manglik. Mars is considered malefic when it is positioned in any of the mentioned houses and it leads to tensions, dissatisfactions, and disasters in married life.
This dosha can happen to anyone. Mars represents respect, ego, self-esteem, and energy so those who have Mangal dosha might have a vulnerable nature that could hinder relationships, but it’s also believed that Mangliks have fire energy in them if used in the correct way. Mangal Dosha in the Kundli can have a negative effect on your married life, mental health and might even lead to financial issues. If the Manglik is born on a Tuesday however the effects are nullified.
Mangal Dosha in the 1st House or Ascendant
Those who have Mars in ascendant or the first house are agitated, aggressive and rude at times. The 4th aspect of Mangal in the 1st house might cause loss of happiness from one’s life, the 7th aspect of Mars in worried and harmful as it can cause differences between loved ones. The 8th aspect of Mars is a possible indication of risks on the partner’s life of the native.
Mangal Dosha in the 4th House
With Mars in the 4th house aspects the 7th, 10th and 11th house in a kundali. If mangal in this house then it gives stable wealth and financial flow but it also creates troubles in married life by developing an uncompromising nature of the native although it does not put relatives of the native at risk.
Mangal Dosha in 7th House
It is the house of marriage and partnership, Manglik dosha in the 7th house can cause harm to a marriage. People with this situation might find a spouse with bad health and women could find aggressive partners.
Mangal Dosha in the 8th House
It is a symbol of happiness, grief, and situations in life. Mangal dosha in this house is very bad and can create a depressing life for married people. The reasons could be financial issues, ill-health of partner and other reasons.
Mangal Dosha in 12th House
In this house of joy, travel, money, and peaceful indulgence can lead to a lack of care and mutual understanding between lovers.
3. Shani Dosha
It is believed that Saturn is a powerful planet and is the judge among the nine planets thus punishing those people who are involved with unlawful, illicit and illegitimate activities. The Mahadasha of Saturn runs for 19 years. While Shani Sade Sati or simply Sade Sati runs seven and a half years.
The Saturn Vimshottari Mahadasha could be both harmful when it is debilitated, combust and afflicted by malefic planets. However, Saturn does not harm always. It can do wonders when it is beneficial.
The Shani Mahadasha can even ruin the native if it is ill-disposed. It can bring health issues, loss of both movable and immovable property, fraternal fights, homelessness, deceits, devoid of reliable friends, robbery, burglary, marital discord, litigation, enmity, enormous loans, legal punishment, divine punishment, professional failure, loss of a source of income and unwanted travel, etc.
However, the planet Saturn can be extremely benevolent and bring phenomenal achievement in life. The planet Saturn can take you to the pinnacle of success effortlessly. The planet Saturn offers both good and bad results according to its position in the natal chart. The natives can enjoy good results and also experience bad results.
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If the planet Saturn owns a bad house like 6th, 8th, and 12th house but posited in the exaltation and own sign, then you will reap the good effect and result.
There may be sudden changes in one’s job/workplace. One will be able to triumph over their enemies. Though people may play politics behind your back, they will be able to deal with them smartly. Your day-to-day routine and habits may get affected though. If there may be some health issues, they will either be very difficult to diagnose them or they may not be evident in one’s medical reports.
Saturn is a master of problems and delays, somehow this Mahadasha phase, you may experience spiritual upliftment. There will be a strong desire to connect to God and understand the intricacies of spirituality.
Originally published at on April 4, 2020.